AMCM - advance mission cost models
AMCM stands for advance mission cost models
Here you will find, what does AMCM stand for in Government under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate advance mission cost models? advance mission cost models can be abbreviated as AMCM What does AMCM stand for? AMCM stands for advance mission cost models. What does advance mission cost models mean?advance mission cost models is an expansion of AMCM
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Alternative definitions of AMCM
- A M Communications, Inc.
- airborne mine countermeasure
- Assent Medical Cost Management
- Advanced Mine Countermeasures
- Airborne Mine Counter-Measures
View 6 other definitions of AMCM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AMCOM Aviation and Missile Command
- AMCOS Army Manpower Cost System
- AMCP Army Materiel Command pamphlet
- AMCROSS American National Red Cross
- AMCSA Army Materiel Command Support Activity Office
- AMCSAF Air Mobility Command studies and analysis flight
- AMCSS Army military clothing sale store
- AMD active matrix display